Luoyang Kunyao Metal Material CO.,Ltd

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Henan Province Will Cut Down Aluminium Capacity By 2018
- May 17, 2017 -

According to a document recently issued by the provincial government, Henan, one of the five major aluminium producing regions in China, will cut down its aluminium capacity that has been out of operations for more than one year before the end of 2018.

The province will be reducing a total aluminium capacity of more than 500,000 tonnes at three aluminium smelters. The electrolytic cells and transformers will be dismantled before the end of 2018.

The province is exempted from the inspection of coal-fired captive power plants at aluminium smelters by the Chinese Authorities. Liu Libin, Vice General of Henan Nonferrous Metals Association said that all operating aluminium capacities in the province are in compliance with national standards.

In the year of 2017 the central govenment  lanched tough environmental  policy and supply  side reform, cutting huge illegal aluminum productions.

China 's aluminum market in the 2H of 2017 thus will be very complex.