Luoyang Kunyao Metal Material CO.,Ltd

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Aluminum Waste And Scrap Exports By The US Surged 17%
- Mar 21, 2018 -

The Aluminum waste and scrap exports by the US increased significantly during the initial nine months of 2017. This is in accordance with the most recent trade data released by the US Census Bureau. The exports surged higher by almost 17% to total $1.58 billion through September 2017, when matched with the exports of $1.35 billion during the corresponding nine-month period in 2016. It must be noted that the country had exported $1.81 billion worth of aluminum waste and scrap during the entire year 2016.


China, South Korea and China were the top three importers of US aluminum waste and scrap. China continued to remain as the top importing country. Mexico and India were the other two countries to feature in the top five importers list.


The largest importer of aluminum waste and scrap from the US was China with imports totaling $823.2 million, accounting for more than 52% of the total US shipments. The exports to China surged higher by nearly 21% when matched with the previous year.