Luoyang Kunyao Metal Material CO.,Ltd

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U.S. Defers China Aluminum Foil Dumping Decision
- Jan 01, 2017 -

The U.S. Commerce Department said on Thursday it would defer issuing its preliminary determination in an anti-dumping duty probe into imports of aluminum foil from China.

The department said in a statement the delay would allow it to fully analyze information pertaining to Chinas status as a non-market economy (NME) country.

U.S. aluminum foil producers have filed petitions with the U.S. government accusing Chinese manufacturers of dumping the product in the United States. In 2016, imports of aluminum foil from China were valued at an estimated $389 million, department figures show.

Commerce said it would issue its preliminary determination in the aluminum foil case - along with a decision on Chinas non-market economy status - by Nov. 30. A final duty determination is expected 75 days later.

The postponement comes after data last month showed Chinas exports of semi-finished aluminum goods, including foil, fell for a third straight month as manufacturers struggled to find alternative markets.