Luoyang Kunyao Metal Material CO.,Ltd

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China's Aluminum Used For Automobile Industry Increased In 1
- Apr 29, 2019 -

According to the General Administration of Customs People Republic of China(GACC), in March 2017, China's export valume of unwrought aluminum and aluminum materials  is 410,000 tons,an 0.8% decline compared with  the same period if last year.While value of exports reaches to 7.443 billion yuan, an 6.4% increase of  the same period last year .The first quater witnessed an export volume of 1.06 million tons   unwrought aluminum and aluminum .  

The data show that in March 2017 China's aluminum for automobile use is 332,000 tons. In the first quater of the year 2017, China's aluminum for automobile reaches 91 million tons, an increase of 8.4% year-on-year.The main reason for the rebound in the auto market in March is the increase in effective working day.However, the auto market performance is no as goos as expected, due to the reduction in purchase tax subsidies and the decline in sales of Korean cars.Moreover high housing prices and good perfomance of stock market have certain influence on automobile markets too.