Luoyang Kunyao Metal Material CO.,Ltd

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Luoyang City Is Cutting Aluminum Production
- Mar 17, 2018 -

Recently, Luoyang City issued a document on cut industrial production in winter.

Iron and steel industry was ordered to cut production of 50% from Nov.15, 2017 to Mar.15,2018.Electrolytic aluminum enterprises ans  alumina enterprises were forced to axe 30% of their output. And from October 1, 2017 to Mar.31, 2018, coking business the single furnace output of coke time was mandated to extended to 36 hours.

The release of supply-side reform and winter cut policies is coming to an end soon,while its effct lasts long,as we understand aluminum prices will still increase in Q4 this year. 

Besides aluminum foil and aluminum sheet  demand will increase, all of these contribute to the hike of aluminum price.

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