Luoyang Kunyao Metal Material CO.,Ltd

High quality product, professional service, being the core supplier in laser industry!

Aluminum Sheet, Strip And Foil Operating Rates Up In Dec
- Jan 23, 2017 -

The operating rates of aluminium sheet, strip and foil producers in December stood at 68.4%, up 2.9 percentage points from levels in November due to increased export orders, according to SMM research.

Lower SHFE/LME price ratio has incentivised regular aluminium exports as well as mislabelled ones. In addition, companies involved in the US anti-subsidy investigation on common alloy sheet increased their efficiency to make shipments before the initial ruling scheduled on February 1.

Chinese domestic demand was also stable last month due to steady aluminium prices. Increased consuming activities ahead of Chinese New Year supported demand for aluminium sheet used in packaging.