Luoyang Kunyao Metal Material CO.,Ltd

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Aluminum Foil Is A Variety Of Excellent Performance
- Mar 27, 2017 -

Aluminum foil because of its excellent characteristics, widely used in food, beverages, cigarettes, drugs, photographic floor, household necessities, etc., usually used as packaging materials; electrolytic capacitor materials; construction, vehicles, ships, houses and other insulation materials; As the decoration of the gold and silver lines, wallpaper and all kinds of stationery prints and light industrial products, such as decorating trademarks. In the above-mentioned various applications, the most effective use of aluminum foil performance point is as a packaging material. Aluminum foil is a soft metal film, not only has moisture, airtight, shading, abrasion resistance, fragrance, non-toxic and tasteless advantages, but also because of its elegant silver white luster, easy to process a variety of colors and beautiful patterns Patterns, and thus more vulnerable to people

Favored. In particular, aluminum foil and plastic and paper composite, the aluminum foil shielding and paper strength, plastic heat sealing properties, and further improve the packaging materials necessary for water vapor, air, ultraviolet and bacteria shielding performance , Greatly broaden the application of aluminum foil market. As the packaging of goods and the outside world of light, wet, gas and other fully isolated, so that the packaging has been well protected. Especially for the packaging of cooked food, the use of this composite aluminum foil material, at least to ensure that food for more than a year without deterioration. Moreover, heating and opening are very convenient, well received by consumers.

With the improvement of people's living standards and the development of tourism, beer, soft drinks and other beverages and canned food demand is increasing, these need to have a modern packaging and decoration, in order to facilitate competition in the international market. In order to meet the market requirements, people have developed a good shielding of plastic film and spray foil and other packaging materials, but their overall performance are better than the coating and laminated processing can be made up and improved. It can be said that aluminum foil is a variety of excellent performance, more perfect packaging materials, in many areas are fully demonstrated its broad application prospects.

In order to improve the rolling efficiency and the quality of aluminum foil products, modern aluminum foil rolling mill to large volume, wide, high speed, automation in four directions. Contemporary aluminum foil mill roll width has reached more than 2200mm, rolling speed of 2000m / min or more, weighing up to 20t or more. The corresponding level of automation of the rolling mill is also greatly enhanced, with a thickness control system (AGC) installed, and most of the plate gauges (AFCs) are installed. Aluminum foil industry is facing a period of rapid development.

Aluminum foil has a clean, hygienic and shiny appearance, it can be made with many other packaging materials, integrated packaging materials, and aluminum foil surface printing effect is better than other materials, in addition to aluminum foil has the following characteristics:

(1) aluminum foil surface is extremely clean, health, any bacteria or microorganisms can not grow on its surface.

(2) aluminum foil is a non-toxic packaging material, it can be in direct contact with food and no harm to human health.

(3) aluminum foil is a tasteless and odorless packaging material, will not make the packaging of food has any smell.

(4) If the foil itself is not volatile, it itself and the packaged food will never dry or shrink.

(5) whether at high temperatures or at low temperatures, aluminum foil will not have the phenomenon of oil penetration.

(6) aluminum foil is an opaque packaging material, so for sunshine irradiation products, such as margarine is a good packaging material.

(7) aluminum foil has a good plasticity, it can be used to package a variety of shapes of products. Can also be caused by any shape containers.

(8) aluminum foil hardness, tension strength is also large, but its tear strength is small, so easy to tear.

(9) aluminum foil itself can not be heated and sealed, must be applied in the surface of heat-resistant materials, such as pe to heat closed.

(10) When the aluminum foil is in contact with other heavy metals or heavy metals, there may be adverse reactions.